Google Adwords

Google Ads for Healthcare

Marketers that work in healthcare know about Google's ad policies. There are restrictions and competitive factors that can make it difficult. Our experience helps us navigate these waters so we can begin generating results quickly.

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Google Ads for Healthcare

Google Pay Per Click Search

Health brands will know that ad platforms have strict rules. Our experience allows us to navigate these and come out on top.

Building Accounts

Creating new Google Search Ads accounts.

Account Optimization

Proactively optimizing towards better metrics.

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Account Audits

1-time overview of where the opportunities are.

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Consistently measuring and collaborating based on data.

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Google Ads for Healthcare

Google Search Ads Account Builds

We take pride in how we structure campaigns as they are meant to be easy to manage long term. We provide ownership credentials to the client immediately, and begin building the account towards the mission and ROI of the organization we're working with.

Google Ads for Healthcare

Google Ads Campaign Management

Our process for managing Google Search PPC campaigns is proactive and transparent.

Google Ads for Healthcare

Post-Click Analysis

When you pay for traffic, analysis is crucial. We examine what happens after the click to ensure all metrics are tied back to ROI and accuracy.